Monday, June 6, 2011


Over the last 3 weeks I have been sorting through Emma-Grace's clothing. She had many things that had been given to her from other people or handed down from her big her sister Ally. Many items she never wore because she had not grown into them yet. Other clothes had been worn over and over because they were her "favorites". The question was what to do with all of these items?

I made the decision to give away all of the things Emma never wore. I felt someone could get good use from the items. At our house, with 6 children, we have always loved hand-me-downs.

The clothes she had worn were harder to go through and harder to think of giving away. Each familiar piece held a memory of our precious child. I decided to have memory quilts made from them, one for Craig and me, and one for each of Emma-Grace's siblings.

Katie and I went through the stacks of clothes she had worn. There were certain items that held a special memory. As we sorted clothes we talked about those special times and what each piece meant to us.

Our lives are like patchwork quilts. Each life is a fabric, composed of numerous threads that we weave together. Blocks of time that make up the days that God has numbered for us.

In the quilts we are having made there will be different squares that make up the various precious memories we have of Emma-Grace. In our patchwork of life, we make memories in the blocks of time we have. Which lead me to think, if someone were to make a quilt of my life, would there be blocks of time that are worthy of remembering?

As a child of God, He gives us the free will to manage this life He has blessed us with. Are we, as His children, living a life that is pointing people to Him? If God wanted to make a quilt from the times in my life that He was proud to call me His child, would He have enough material to make a quilt? I pray today that I am living a life worthy of the King. A life that He can say, this is my child whom I am well pleased.

"Here is my servant whom I have chosen, whom I love, and in whom I delight." Matthew 12:18

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful; I to hope my life is worthly of a small quilt

    Kim S.
