“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15: 9-13 (NIV)
Legend tells us that during the Roman Empire, there lived a Christian physician whose heart was touched with the needs of his fellow brothers and sisters who were being persecuted. This man loved others so much that he put his own life at risk by providing medical treatment to those whom the emperor chose to punish. As a result, this great doctor himself was thrown into prison. His love and compassion continued to flow even there as he shared his faith with those around him. He even shared his faith with the emperor who imprisoned him, trying to convert him to Christianity. As a result the emperor had him beaten and then beheaded. Following his death, Christians began sending messages of love to each other as a continual remembrance of this unselfish man named Valentine. Thus began the tradition of Valentine’s Day and the symbol of love it invokes.
Love is an emotion that even scholars can’t explain at times. It’s been called a phenomenon, a mysterious and splendid thing. It’s as invisible as the air we breathe, yet equally essential. Poets have tried to describe it. Philosophers have sought to understand it. Yet the mystery, miracle and feelings of love remain indescribable to many.
Long before Valentine’s Day tradition began, God gave the first gift of love. He gave His son as a sacrifice for our sins because He loves us so much. This was the foundation of true love. It is a love beyond all boundaries. Without this love there would be no celebration of love today. Love is one of the deepest and most fulfilling treasures God has ever given us. That gift transcends outward symbols and trivial attempts to explain it. Without His love, we wouldn’t experience God’s mercy, His Salvation or His joy. Once received, the deep abiding love of Christ in our hearts will overflow into every aspect of our lives. Real love, the kind of love that sacrificed all for you and me, came in human form to unite our hearts to God’s. What an amazing gift God has given us – not only to observe, but also to miraculously experience! His Word proclaims it to be greater than hope and faith. “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13) NIV
Do we desire to love more and experience more love in our life? God’s word encourages us to follow God’s example of love in loving one another. Our Heavenly Father is the Author and Creator of love and he invites us to wrap ourselves and others in this extraordinary gift that was hand delivered by Him. “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” (1 John 4:12) NIV
Because of the romantic symbols we use to celebrate Valentine’s Day, we forget that St. Valentine actually lost his life because of his love for God. Beyond the glamour of roses and chocolates that help us celebrate the world’s view of romantic love, we find a man who gave his all for the love of his Savior. St. Valentine truly knew what it meant to be a follower of Christ. This man spent his life serving others. He died severing Christ. Few of us will ever be called on to actually give up our lives for those we love, but how much are we willing to sacrifice? Time? Energy? Money? Words? Our own wants and desires? The example of the Lord Jesus Christ shows us that love indeed is an action-not just a feeling. As we approach Valentine’s Day, we should remember where love first came from…our Father in Heaven.
As a closing to my blog about love I wanted to tell everyone about my family’s love without boundaries. As most people can see our family is “different”. Is that different good or different bad. Some would say we are “different- crazy”. We had a family of 5 and felt called by God to extend our love to 3 children in need of a family. I would say we needed them as much as they needed us. Does that make us crazy- maybe so? Before Emma-Grace ever got sick we had started talking about bringing another child into our family. As most ever one knows we lost our little “Emmie” last year despite the heroic efforts of many people. We continue to grieve that precious little girl who brought so much joy into our home. I had mentioned before that even though we have suffered a great loss, we could not be afraid to love again. God calls us to love and care for His children. The Bible commands us to care for the orphans. We feel God has blessed us with a wonderful family with an abundance of love to share. So- I said all of that to say - later this year we will be bringing another child home. Her name is Anna-Leigh Yin Carpenter. She will be approximately 22 months by the time we bring her home from China. Will we be older parents?- yes. Are we old enough to be her grandparents?-yes. Will we be even older and grayer before she graduates high school?- yes. But do we have the love and compassion to give another child a home? Yes, yes, and yes. We are all excited and can’t wait to see what this new chapter of life holds for us. Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers for our family, we love you all. Attached is a picture of a newest addition, we think she is beautiful.
Beautiful indeed! So excited for you but more so for this child who will have a chance to know what Gods love is all about through a wonderful loving Christian family! God bless you! I love you sister!